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HomeBanana Pudding Dessert

This recipe provided by Laura Huber

Banana Pudding Dessert

  • 1- box of graham crackers
  • 2- 5.1 oz instant banana cream pudding
  • 5- cups whole milk, divided

5-6  ripe but firm bananas

8 oz - cream cheese, softened

1 - cup powdered sugar

1/2 - tsp vanilla

8 oz - Cool Whip or similar, thawed

1 - cup chopped pecans (optional)

Layer 1:

Break crackers into squares and line the bottom of a  9” x 13” baking dish, breaking into smaller pieces, if needed to fit

Layer 2:

In a large bowl, whisk one box of pudding with 2 1/2 cups cold milk. Let sit for a couple of minutes to thicken then spread over crackers to cover. Peel and slice 2-3 bananas over pudding

Layer 3:

Repeat Layer 1

Layer 4:

In a bowl, using an electric mixer, combine cream cheese, powdered sugar and vanilla until smooth. Fold in 1/2 (half) of the Cool Whip. Spread over crackers. Peel and slice 2-3 banana over creamy mixture

Layer 5:

Repeat Layer 1

Layer 6:

Repeat Layer 2 minus the bananas